A place to heal. Guided by God and the 12-Steps of recovery – possible through our tradition of care and compassion.


Over 60 years of successful
care to more than 8,000 clergy
and men religious.

Guest House is committed to providing an environment where priests, brothers, deacons, and seminarians can be welcomed with the kind of attention that honors not only their human dignity but also their calling and commitment.  In our residential program, we have treated more than 8,000 clergy and men religious from across the United States and around the world since 1956. We offer a holistic approach to treatment and integrate 12 Step spirituality into our programming. We work collaboratively with leadership representatives in every phase of the process.

Guest House is located on a 105-acre campus that provides a tranquil atmosphere in which clients can walk and enjoy nature. We offer private suites, a dining area with dietician-managed meal plans, and common areas. Daily Mass is celebrated in one of the on-campus chapels.

  • Substance addictions
  • Process Addictions
  • Anxiety, depression, bipolar, and related disorders
  • Binge-eating disorder
  • Unresolved trauma, grief, and loss

Serving Priests and men religious from across the United States
and around the world.

Substance Addictions 

Alcohol, other drugs and prescription medication (if necessary,
medically-responsible withdrawal from substances).

Process Addictions

Spending, gambling/gaming, cluttering, hoarding,
internet, credit card use.

Binge-Eating Disorder

Click here for more information.

Mental Health 

Co-occurring mental, physical or medical disorders.

What is involved in treatment?

Every individual who comes to Guest House participates in a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment, the results of which determine a personalized plan of care.


Recognizing the complexity of mental health conditions and contributing factors we:

  • have a full-time medical director, 24/7 nursing services, and a staff dietician
  • offer educational sessions about recovery tools and means to restore emotional well-being
  • teach skills that help clients change the way they navigate life and offer opportunities to practice the skills
  • provide individual therapy where clients can explore their unique challenges
  • provide group therapy where clients can share, relate with one another, and build life-long supportive relationships
  • we engage the services of consulting psychologists and therapists in specialty areas
  • offer a spirituality group that fosters growth in the client’s relationship with God
  • provide on-site spiritual direction
  • offer on-site physical therapy services, personal fitness training, and experiences in joyful movement/body work
  • provide for off-campus outings to support healthy balance and relaxation


While in treatment, clients are supported in completing a comprehensive personalized continuing care plan. Our Continuing Care Program provides ongoing support for 18-24 months following discharge. To arrange for Admission, please call us.


To know what to bring and what not to bring when coming to treatment, click here.


Programs are based on the spirituality
of 12-Step recovery.

Watch our videos

Learn about our ministry and
healing process at Guest House.


Below are some additional links about our continuing care support, education resources and admissions.

Learn more about our continuing care and extended care support.

Learn more about our educational workshops and resources for leadership and our community.

Learn more about referrals and the process for admissions.