Guest House

Call Us 24/7 (800) 626-6910

Community Resources


Promoting understanding of addiction and related behavioral health needs.

Education & Awareness

Guest House is fully committed to continue to serve as a resource center of shared experience to help navigate this unprecedented public health emergency.


Alcoholism and drug addiction is a disease of isolation. For someone with longtime sobriety, their whole way of dealing with addiction is interacting with people.

Prayers &

Jesus Christ – fully present in the Holy Eucharist in His divine Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity – calls us all into spiritual communion and dialogue.


Guest House plans and hosts several events, including seminars, workshops, and retreats to support clergy, and men and women religious in recovery.

Prayers &

Jesus Christ – fully present in the Holy Eucharist in His divine Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity – calls us all into spiritual communion and dialogue.

HD Magazine

Human Development magazine is a quarterly publication for anyone interested in personal spiritual growth or for people fostering the human and spiritual growth of others.


What is NCCA

Over 70 years ago, the National Catholic Council on Addiction (NCCA) was formed to bring a message of healing and hope to addicted persons and those who love them. Affiliated with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the NCCA is committed to assisting its members to a greater awareness and acceptance of alcoholism, other chemical addictions, and prevention issues. With the support of Guest House, the NCCA is announcing a new initiative that seeks to connect people with existing resources in order to help bring healing and recovery to more people struggling with addictions.