Education & Awareness


Below are some resources that we have chosen to help in the spiritual aspect of understanding addiction and other behavioral health needs and digital treatment options during this time of need. We will continue to add to this list, so please check this page for updates.

Online Get Help, Give Help

Does someone you love have an addiction problem?

Millions of families struggle with this problem every day. Start here to change the situation–with love!

Do you want to make a difference in the addiction crisis? You can be a game-changer in your community by becoming a Family Recovery Advocate. Learn how.

Three Minute Retreat

Here is access to a daily “Three-minute Retreat”… It’s an opportunity to receive an image, a scriptural passage, some comforting background music – and an opportunity to listen to The Holy Spirit within. May this gift of comfort bring solace and peace.

6th Stage of Grief – Finding Meaning

Please consider this thoughtful and poignant interview by award winning journalist, Christy McDonald with her guest – David Kessler, on the 6th stage of grief – finding meaning. David Kessler, who co-authored with Elisabeth Kubler Ross the book “On Grief and Grieving,” offers insights for all of us to consider during this time of pandemic.


Prayers and Reflections for Persons Suffering From Addiction & for Their Loved Ones

AA Meeting in a Pocket