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The true joy of my life is not how others treat me but how loving I treat others.  When I am kind and loving, my heart  opens  up to God’s Love.  Life is a gentle and simple walk into God who is constantly loving me is all around me.  The miracles of God’s Loving Presence fill each moment of life.  I need much quiet time with God and consistent care and compassion toward others to embrace this fundamental and joyful fact about life:  GOD LOVES ME AND IS ALWAYS EMBRACING ME.  Again, “Here I am Lord. Your servant is listening.  INTO YOUR HANDS, I COMMEND MY SPIRIT.

God loves me.  And God’s love is everywhere.  The purpose of my life is to experience this in each moment because I can then bring love to each person I see and meet each day.  I experience God’s love by deciding to be kind and loving in all my words and actions and even in my thoughts.  I also experience God and God’s Love in my quiet time with God in the morning and  throughout the day.  “The soul united to God and transformed in Him draws from within, God, A Divine Breath, much like the most high God Himself”. (John of the Cross).

RING OUT YOUR JOY TO GOD OUR STRENGTH.   Joy comes to me when I humbly admit my powerlessness and absolute need for God’s help in each moment of life.  When this happens, I become filled with love and gratitude.  I experience deeply how much God loves me.  But this is dependent upon how I spiritually and emotionally embrace my powerlessness and brokenness and absolute need for God’s healing LOVE.  And God’s help and strength, peace and joy can then transform me and I will experience God’s amazing help and love. And then blessed joy will be with me.

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