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IN THE DAY OF MY DISTRESS, I SOUGHT THE LORD.  Seeking God in each moment of life is a most meaningful journey.  God is always loving me and coming toward me to fill me with LOVE and GOODNESS.  Prayer and Meditation help me so profoundly to be receptive to God’s Loving and Healing Presence.  So does spiritual sharing with others in a humble and loving manner.  There must be no room for negativity in my life.  Negativity blocks me from being receptive to God’s amazing, uplifting LOVE.  MY HEART AND SOUL THIRST FOR GOD AND GOD’S LOVE.

EACH OF US POSSESS GOD IN OUR HEART AND ARE BEING TRANSFORMED INTO HIS DIVINE IMAGE.  WE SHOULD CRY OUT WITH JOY.  IT IS GOOD FOR US TO BE HERE. I realize more each day that God wants to transform me into a person of peace and love so I can experience the joy and peace of God throughout my short journey on this earth.  This journey is meant to be a consistent saying “YES”  to God’s LOVING AND TRANSFORMING PRESENCE.  Life is meant to be one consistent experience of God which will get deeper and deeper and I can realize more that this will bring me into an eternal state of of joy and peace as I leave this life for the unlimited joy of heaven.  My God, what a joy.  And it really starts at this moment as I allow myself to be transformed by God.  MY GOD AND MY ALL.

It becomes such a profound consolation when I focus on how deeply God loves me and everyone else and has always loved everyone.  The world is filled with God’s Love in everyone and in everything—forever.  Heaven and eternal joy are always coming toward me.  But I need to say YES and  turn toward God in each moment of life.  There is no condemning God but I can become resistant.  Life is to be a consistent journey of surrender to God’s Love  through prayer, meditation and Love.  INTO YOUR HANDS, O LORD, I COMMEND MY SPIRIT.  SPEAK LORD, YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING.

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