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Wisdom reaches me if I refuse to invest in any criticism or negativity toward anyone in thoughts, words or actions.  It is the wisdom of Love. It brings me into internal freedom.  But this can only happen to me when I first take a big dose of prayer and meditation each morning.  Life is so very short but LOVE AND GOD ARE FOREVER.  I will stay with LOVE AND GOD today so my Faith and Awareness of God gets deeper and deeper.  Then my Faith and Awareness of Heaven and Eternal Happiness become so profoundly real to me.  What a gift it is to be created by God to live forever in joy. INTO YOUR HANDS, O LORD, I COMMEND MY SPIRIT.  Whatever time I have left on this planet, I want to fill my corner of the world with LOVE.

BLESSED ARE THEY WHO DWELL IN YOUR HOUSE, O LORD. Joy and peace result when I put my emotional and spiritual energy and desires into God who is always loving me and embracing me. I then dwell in the HOUSE OF GOD which consists of being Loving toward all and looking for God’s Loving Presence in each moment of life. When these awarenesses come to me in my daily quiet with God, I feel so blessed and grateful. Yes again, IN GOD MY SOUL IS AT REST. I will gently walk with God throughout this day.

HAPPINESS is not dependent upon what I have or do not have.  It is simply dependent upon how well I am loving toward others and how well I make a God priority in my life.  Then I am able to experience and accept and believe the amazing LOVE OF GOD for me.  Each moment becomes a sacred moment in which I am embraced by God’s amazing LOVE. And I do not have to worry about how others should change or how the world should change.  I simply need to choose LOVE for everyone.  And that choice to be always loving and kind disarms me and disarms other people.  GOD IS LOVE AND HE WHO LOVES, LIVES IN GOD AND GOD LIVES IN HIM/HER. I will be loving to all this day and quietly listen to God who is always coming closer to me to help me and guide me and heal me.

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