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The legacy of life for me is to inspire people by being kind and loving to everyone. I also want to bring God’s Love to everyone by focusing gently on God’s Love, which is embracing me, everyone, and everything in each second of life. This brings wisdom, humility, and love into my life, and I will then humbly and slowly walk through life immersed in God. My life’s purpose is to be immersed in God and bring God’s Love to others. WISDOM OF GOD BE WITH ME, ALWAYS AT WORK IN ME. I need to love and listen to God throughout this day.

Resting in this moment with God is so helpful for me. The present moment keeps getting deeper in experiencing the LOVE AND PEACEFUL, POSITIVE ENERGY OF GOD. The more I experience God, the more grateful I become and the more aware of the defects of character that surface so I can consciously “let go” and “let God” take over my life with Loving and Healing Embraces. Life is truly meant to be a consistent encounter and experience with God. CRY OUT WITH JOY TO THE LORD ALL THE EARTH.

I am becoming more aware of the shortness of life and how quickly life passes by. This awareness helps me to focus on gratitude for my existence. My Faith in a loving God is increasing, and I deeply believe that each moment is meant to help me become closer to God. Each present moment is where I meet and experience a LOVING GOD. My soul is always longing for God. I feel grateful and so blessed to realize this. No matter how deep the pain is or how joyful this journey might become, God always loves me, guides me, and draws me closer. O GOD, YOU ARE MY GOD. FOR YOU MY SOUL IS THIRSTING. INTO YOUR HANDS, I COMMEND MY SPIRIT.

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