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BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.  WHOEVER HAS LEFT THE DARKNESS OF SIN, YEARNS FOR GOD.  When I turn toward God by being more loving toward everyone and when I turn toward God by quiet prayer and meditation, my desire to be closer to God increases.  My obstacles to experiencing God begin to fall away and the PEACE AND LOVE OF GOD take over my life. Spiritual joy and internal freedom and gratitude are so gently experienced when I consciously  turn toward God.  BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.  This God is so loving and kind.  I will just live in this present moment with God coming toward me throughout this sacred day.

My heart and soul need to rest in God’s Love which is always embracing me.  This is why I must always be loving and kind, so my heart opens up wide to God’s Loving Presence which is coming toward me in each moment of life.  And I need to quietly listen to God’s inspirations as I sit quietly with God each day.  Life for me must be always about LOVE AND KINDNESS to others and a receptivity to God’s Loving Presence.  Each moment of life is meant to be an experience of God.

Wisdom reaches me if I refuse to invest in any criticism or negativity toward anyone in thoughts, words or actions.  It is the wisdom of Love. It brings me into internal freedom.  But this can only happen to me when I first take a big dose of prayer and meditation each morning.  Life is so very short but LOVE AND GOD ARE FOREVER.  I will stay with LOVE AND GOD today so my Faith and Awareness of God gets deeper and deeper.  Then my Faith and Awareness of Heaven and Eternal Happiness become so profoundly real to me.  What a gift it is to be created by God to live forever in joy. INTO YOUR HANDS, O LORD, I COMMEND MY SPIRIT.  Whatever time I have left on this planet, I want to fill my corner of the world with LOVE.

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