Guest House Daily Reflections

It is refreshing and peaceful to let go of what I think other people should do and share my journey through life. I realize that I have been created to open my heart and mind to God in each present moment and to bring love to others. It is a very simple way to live […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

My life’s purpose is to know, love, and experience God and gently share this experience with others. I simply share my personal experience of God through kind words, kind thoughts, and kind actions. Each moment of my short life on earth is meant to be an uplifting experience of a very loving God. But I […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

God wants me to lead a peaceful, spiritual life. This has always been God’s gift to me throughout each day of my earthly life. I need to be focused on God’s embrace of me in each moment of this day. HERE I AM, O LORD. YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING. YOU ARE MY GOD AND MY […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

10- God is always close. God is always loving me. Each moment of life is meant to be an experience of God in everyone and everything I see. Life is always a gentle walk into God. There is no need to hurry, but one must go through each moment slowly, reflectively, and be receptive to […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

9- It is a useless preoccupation to worry about what others think about me. My only concern should be to look for the goodness in other people and to treat others with Love, Respect, and Affirmation. This will keep my heart and mind open to God’s Loving Presence in this very moment. As I begin […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

When I take time to rest in God through quiet prayer and meditation, I experience God’s Love. Life becomes very simple, and each moment is filled with an experience of God’s Love and Wisdom. But I must not rush to the next moment. This is so simple to do, but I must first make this […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

Life is meant to be a consistent experience of God. I must not allow anything or anyone, especially myself, to become a hindrance or a distraction from a deeper journey into a LOVING AND HEALING GOD. So, I need to spend much quiet time with God every day of my life. This increases my Faith […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

It is such a blessing to have friends who teach me by their example how important it is to go deeper into a spiritual life each moment of the day. It becomes such a consolation and helps me realize that God loves me and comes closer to me every second of my life. What a […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

To rest in God is the purpose of my life. This consistent resting in God through prayer, meditation, contemplation, and gentle love toward everyone gives me a very uncomplicated life roadmap. I can rest simply in this moment with God, who keeps embracing me and healing me from worry and negativity. Everyone would like kind […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

Life is not assessed by how much I do but by how deeply I surrender to God’s Loving Presence in this moment. Every thought that passes through my mind should be wrapped in love and kindness. This brings me closer to God’s Power and keeps my ego small to not edge God out. This allows […]