Walking with the Wounded II
Helping Sisters overcome addictions, compulsive behaviors and other behavioral health concerns. Â This complimentary workshop will be especially helpful to sisters in leadership, vocation/formation staff, and nursing/healthcare leaders who are responsible for community healthcare policies and services, and for personnel and ministry issues.
Navigating Uncertainty
This complimentary workshop will discuss the challenges of evolving community life, address the needs of congregational leadership and their various roles, and offer skills training around the feelings that these changes may bring.
Navigating Uncertainty
This complimentary workshop will discuss the challenges of evolving community life, address the needs of congregational leadership and their various roles, and offer skills training around the feelings that these changes may bring.
Guest House Daily Reflections
I need to think loving and positive thoughts about other people. The more caring and positive I am, the more my mind and heart opens up to God. If GOD IS LOVE, then to sincerely experience God, I must always be invested in becoming more LOVING. This brings me internal freedom and allows a LOVING […]
Guest House Daily Reflections
COME WITH JOY INTO THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD. I will experience joy and peace when I see the PRESENCE OF GOD to take over my life. As I start this day, slowly, gently, and reflectively, my FAITH in GOD deepens, and throughout this day, I will experience God in each moment, in everything, and […]
Guest House Daily Reflections
I shall be grateful for whatever I see this day and whomever I see. All of life is a gift from God. With this attitude of being thankful in each moment, God’s Loving Presence becomes deeply experienced in each moment of this day. Gratefulness opens my mind and heart to God’s Healing Presence. I REJOICE […]
Guest House Daily Reflections
Being quiet with God each morning is such an inner joy. My soul does rest in God. God guides and inspires me to listen to His inspirations with an open, receptive heart, soul, and mind. Each inspiration invites me to be kinder and more loving to everyone, especially in my thinking and actions. My life […]
Guest House Daily Reflections
I feel so blessed as I spend this quiet time with God each morning. I understand better that each moment of life is meant to be an uplifting experience of God, who always loves me and, like a powerful magnet, draws me into a fantastic connection. IN GOD, I LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE MY […]
Guest House Daily Reflections
The Center of my life is God. Each moment of my life is meant to increase my Faith in this LOVING GOD. As this happens, my Experience of God deepens. As life passes so quickly, I see GOD’s LOVING AND HEALING PRESENCE everywhere. This is so profoundly helpful. I realize more clearly that life is […]
Guest House Daily Reflections
THOSE WHO LOVE THE LORD WILL SEE AND REJOICE. THEY WILL UNDERSTAND HIS LOVING KINDNESS. YOUR PRESENCE FILLS ME WITH JOY. The joy I experience daily happens when I focus on God’s Loving Presence and do not focus on the past or the future. I can see and experience that God wants me to feel […]