Retreat Offering
Stage II Recovery and Emotional Sobriety
Abstinence from a primary addiction is the first Stage of Recovery. Abstinence is absolutely essential. The rebuilding of the life that was lost, or almost lost, is Stage II Recovery. This only happens when we reach a point in our recovery where we want “more” than just not drinking or drugging or shopping or eating or gambling, etc. What is that ”more”? It could be true peace, serenity, love, and acceptance, to name just a few.
During our time together, we will see how Stage II Recovery and Emotional sobriety (Maturity) are closely related, how one builds on the other. Guest House offers retreats periodically throughout the year as support for women religious in recovery from a variety of addictive disorders. This retreat, like our other retreats, is offered for our alumnae women religious as well as sisters who came to recovery through other treatment centers or entered recovery on their own. This retreat is designed as an opportunity to reflect and to celebrate in fellowship with other recovering sisters the gift of recovery.
Each retreat theme/topic is focused on subjects important to persons in recovery. The program also allows for 12-Step meetings among the attendees. There is also time for rest, relaxation and prayer. This retreat is for you whether you are new in recovery or in long-term recovery.

Retreat Leader – Sr. Linda Fischer
Sr. Linda Fischer is a member of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ from Columbia, PA. A teacher by profession, Linda left the classroom in 2005. Since then she has been involved in full-time 12-Step retreat ministry. Sr. Linda has been a grateful recovering alcoholic for the past 31 years and says she loves facilitating recovery retreats because “she receives every bit as much as she gives.” She calls her own journey in recovery one of the greatest blessings in her life.
Registration Fee
The registration fee of $399 will cover all presentations, three nights lodging (Nov 1, 2 & 3) and meals beginning Monday evening through lunch on Thursday.
Closest Airport
The closest airport is San Jose International airport, but Monterey, Oakland and San Francisco airports are viable options.
Shuttle Availability From Airports
Several airport shuttle services are available. Check the Villa Maria del Mar website, under frequently asked questions, for a listing of shuttle companies