Media Library

Guest house

Media Library

Guest House offers educational programs for Church and religious leadership, communities and individuals that bring awareness of addiction and its impact on clergy and men and women religious.

2023 Annual Detroit Bishop's Dinner Photos

Campus Video

Guest House is a residential addiction treatment center for Catholic clergy, religious and seminarians. This video showcases our campus.

The Healing Ministry

Guest House is a residential addiction treatment center for Catholic clergy, religious and seminarians. This video shares our ministry and gives witness to God’s healing grace.

The Healing Process

Guest House is a residential addiction treatment center for Catholic clergy, religious and seminarians. This video offers a brief look at the healing process at Guest House.

Return to Ministry from Guest House

Guest House is a residential addiction treatment center for Catholic clergy, religious and seminarians. This video briefly shares some information about the return to ministry following primary treatment.

Spirituality of the 12-Steps

Guest House is a residential addiction treatment center for Catholic clergy, religious and seminarians. This brief video offers some information about the spirituality of the 12-Steps.