Continuing Care & Case Management

Continuing Care & recovery

Our care for guests extends beyond our campus.

The work of recovery begins in earnest when the client leaves residential treatment. Guest House Continuing Care and Case Management Services are unlike any other. We provide a comprehensive approach that considers our client’s physical, psychological, and spiritual needs essential for promoting overall well-being. Balanced and holistic wellness is vital for continued recovery. The continuing care program encompasses both formal and informal interventions, opportunities to engage in ongoing didactic discussion groups with religious peers, as well as one-to-one counseling. Continuing care provides a way for those in recovery to share their challenges, as well as their successes along the way. Through planned, ongoing support, we offer encouragement for those who are in recovery and the opportunity to maintain steady progress and spiritual growth. And we can assure the leaders of the communities our clients are returning to that they will be supported by a thoughtful continuum of care.

Continuing Care
Program for Men

  • Monthly education group sessions
    over 18 months.
  • Weekly 12-Step support meetings.
  • Confidential alcohol and drug testing.
  • Ongoing Alumni 12-Step meetings and several annual Alumni Retreats.
The Guest House Continuing Care and Case Management team includes our Medical Director, Registered Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, Peer Recovery Coaches, and Spiritual Directors.

Continuing Care
Program for Men

  • Regular multi-day education and group session every 3-6 months for 18-24 months.
  • Regular contact with the Continuing
    Care Coordinator.
  • Education for the community to which the sister is returning or transitioning.
  • Introduction to the Inter-Congregational Addiction Program (ICAP), the network of sisters recovering by working programs based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Retreat opportunities offered 3-4 times annually in partnership with ICAP

The Guest House Continuing Care and Case Management team includes our Medical Director, Registered Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, Peer Recovery Coaches, and Spiritual Directors.

Case Management

Before Discharge 


  • Completed a comprehensive personalized continuing care plan.
  • Scheduled all follow-up appointments.
  • Arranged psychological counseling and recovery programming.
  • Assured plans for ongoing spiritual direction/companioning.
  • Coordinated care with all medical, psychiatric, spiritual, and recovery counseling providers.




  • Provide coordination of care with all health care providers.
  • Monitor client 12-Step recovery meeting attendance (as appropriate).
  • Manage alcohol and drug testing through SoberLink and SPECTRUM monitoring systems (as needed).
  • Provide support and accountability through ongoing mentoring and recovery coaching.
  • Offer education and guidance to Leadership and Support Teams members, and communities.

Holistic healing that unfolds
over time.

The Guest House campus is organized and staffed to provide a holistic approach to healing. We provide separate facilities for men and women in which they can recover while in the fellowship of fellow Catholic clergy, men and women religious, and seminarians. Our trauma-informed approach empowers our clients to mindfully address substance use disorders, cluttering and hoarding, overspending, compulsive overeating, and other behavioral health challenges. Our therapists, medical/nursing staff, and registered dietitian nutritionist collaborate on a wellness plan that includes physical, psychological, psychosocial, and spiritual, components; exercise and nutrition are critical elements. A plan for continuing care and immersion in a network of Guest House alumni and alumnae help support and celebrate their continued recovery.

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Guest House Men’s
Alumni Network

Guest House offers retreats periodically throughout the year to support clergy and men religious in recovery from a variety of addictive disorders.

Guest House Women’s
Alumnae Network

Guest House offers retreats periodically throughout the year as support for women religious in recovery from a variety of addictive disorders.

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