Guest House

Guest House Daily Reflections

LORD GOD, OUR STRENGTH, PUT IN US THE FLAME OF YOUR LOVE AND MAKE OUR LOVE FOR YOU TO BE A PERFECT LOVE THAT REACHES OUR NEIGHBOR.    Life is always about loving, caring, and being receptive to God’s amazing Love. I must consciously choose to love others in my words, actions, and thoughts. This deepens my receptivity to God, who always embraces me with LOVE. When I am kind, I have a DIVINE EXPERIENCE OF GOD. EACH MOMENT OF LIFE IS MEANT TO BE A DIVINE EXPERIENCE. This quiet time with God each morning puts me on the right path for today. And I can stay on this roadmap with more Love, humility, and prayer. In God’s Love, my soul is at rest. I must be reflective and loving in each moment of this day. Then comes blessed Peace.