Guest House Daily Reflections

Each morning becomes an occasion to recall my life’s purpose: To experience God’s Love and bring God’s Love to others by simply being kind and loving. I don’t have to be concerned about how other people should be. I simply need to show Love and Kindness to everyone. So, an abundance of quiet prayer and […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

My journey in life must remain a simple and loving journey into a God who lovingly created me to live forever in joy. Each moment, God embraces me with LOVE AND WISDOM. The roadmap through life happens in this present moment. I must be quietly reflective and grateful. I also need to be kind and […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

When I focus on a LOVING GOD who wants to bring more LOVE into my mind, heart, and soul, life becomes so simple and uncomplicated. It is about becoming more receptive to God’s Love and bringing Love to everyone. The more grateful and loving I am, the more I experience God’s joy and peace, and […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

My life is meant to be a journey into God and a journey with God. No matter how brief or long this journey on this earth might be, it is always with a loving God who simply wants to embrace and love me and never condemn me. God only wants me to have inner peace […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

Each moment of life is a GOD-MOMENT because, for anyone or anything to exist, there is God. But if I minimize this Sacred Presence of God in my life,  I become blocked from going deeper into God’s amazing LOVE AND KINDNESS. Then wisdom and compassion will elude me, and “I will be left to my […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

God’s LOVE is always embracing, guiding, and healing me in this present moment. GOD’S LOVE ENDURES FOREVER. The more I become of this, the more each moment of life becomes so filled with God’s Loving Presence. This quiet time with God each day is extremely helpful. The world slows down, and I experience God’s LOVING […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

Luke  15:1-10 There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.  Finding one sheep gives the shepherd great joy in rejoicing since he found the one that was lost. When the woman from scripture loses a coin, she does everything to find the one coin, and then she celebrates with her friends. […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

Luke 14:25-33 Everyone who does not renounce all of his possessions cannot be my disciple. Do our possessions get in the way of serving God? After all, they are just things. Are these things a distraction from entering into a relationship with God? Things are just stuff, and they tend to distract us from God. […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

Luke 14:15-24 Blessed Rupert Mayer   –  Jesuit Confessor  Go out quickly into the highways and hedgerows and make people come in that my home may be filled. Today, we hear about the man who invited people to come for dinner, but they all made excuses for declining the invitation. He instructed his servants to […]

Guest House Daily Reflections

Luke 14:12-14 St. Charles Borromeo“Do not invite your friends, but those who are poor and crippled.” In our Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us to invite those who we would not always ask to our parties. Let us remember the poor, crippled, lame and the blind.   Creator God, we ask you to continue to lead us […]