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MY SOUL IS THIRSTING FOR GOD, THE GOD OF MY LIFE. WHEN WILL I COME  TO THE END OF MY PILGRIMAGE AND ENTER THE PRESENCE OF GOD. God is the Source of all joy and Peace in my life. As I become more aware of this, I discover the purpose of my life: to experience God’s Love and to bring this LOVE to others. This awareness quenches my thirst for God and deepens my experience of God in each moment of life. I must not let anything block my knowledge of God in each daily moment. INTO YOUR HANDS, O LORD, I COMMEND MY SPIRIT. And yes- ONLY IN GOD IS MY SOUL AT REST.

MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU FOR POWER IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS……FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG. I need always to remember this. When I realize this and accept my powerlessness, I open up to God’s Power, Help, and Strength. The deeper my acceptance of my powerlessness and brokenness, the more open I will be to God’s LOVE AND HELP. It is quite a healthy paradox. I must deepen this awareness that without God, I can do nothing. But with God, I can bring more LOVE AND PEACE into this world and experience the joy of God’s LOVE no matter what might happen.

The more I realize that my quiet time with God each becomes an anchor to help me experience God’s Love throughout the day. This life is meant for me to experience the LOVE OF GOD and to gently and lovingly bring God’s Presence to others through kindness and a Loving Presence. I do not have to convince others of anything, but I do have to be loving and caring toward everyone. My journey in life is always to be loving and caring. Then, I can be helpful to everyone, including myself, in experiencing God in an uplifting manner. GOD IS LOVE. I must embrace this deeply.

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