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In each precious moment, God is coming closer to me. I will focus on this DIVINE INTIMACY throughout this day. The God of Love, Wisdom, Power, and Healing is always coming toward me. The more I become aware of this, the more I begin to surrender my whole self to God. MY SOUL SHALL BE JOYFUL IN THE LORD. When I do not rush through the day,  I experience the joyful and peaceful PRESENCE OF GOD in every moment. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD loving and healing you at this very moment.

Only  God can satisfy my deepest desires and longings. I must remember this. There will always be struggles and losses in my life. It is part of the journey of life. But as I embrace this, my whole self becomes open to God’s loving Presence. In each moment, God is knocking on the door of my heart, saying: LET ME IN SO I CAN POUR MY LOVE AND JOY INTO EACH MOMENT OF THIS DAY. STAY FOCUSED ON ME AND MY LOVE FOR YOU, AND YOU WILL DISCOVER MY PEACE AND LOVE AND JOY. ONLY IN ME WILL YOUR SOUL BE AT REST. SO, BE IN ME ALWAYS. “This is  the day I have for you.”  BE GRATEFUL. I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU.

Life is an amazing gift of God. So is eternal life in heaven. This makes me realize that in this present moment, God is coming toward me to fill me with love, internal peace, and joy. So, I shall slowly walk through this day and be very grateful for God creating me, loving me, and embracing me. I then start embracing heaven and put each moment into a proper perspective. The Sacred Presence of God is around me. ONLY IN GOD IS MY SOUL AT REST. Each moment is meant to be a Divine Connection with God. My purpose in life is to bring God’s Love to others.

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